Monday, June 23, 2014

Work plan Session 17

Session 17

United Tribal Council International shared spaces on Mars


 Teams will begin the building of their international spaces as allocated to them by the United Tribal Council. Review the international spaces and their intended purpose. How will these spaces help improve or change the lives of the new settlers on mars?

The teams will reflect on their deigns. The build projects were allocated by the UTC. The building tasks within their teams for each portion of the building project.

Each tribe is accountable to their greater Martian community to compete the build of the international space by the set date. They will be given 2 session to build.

 2minute tribal meeting to reflect and refocus tasks and set goal for the session.

In World

Move to the allocated space in world and lay the foundations for the build.

 15 minutes stop and fly over world, each tribe to report on the build so far.

Return to building

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