Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Reflection session 26 - 27

We are so pleased with the students first go at the video logs.
They made a great effort to be constructively critical of themselves and their teams.
Their first entry focused on the way the teams worked and if they felt they had built a good tribal work ethic.
They were able to see that their ability to manage their work load and allocate tasks was improved as the sessions progressed . Many reflections also identified that teams were effected by the focus of their members.
They saw that when they all had a clear plan and set roles or tasks that they were able to keep to them and meet set goals.
the wider majority of the logs all said that working in their teams was the preferred way of working as compared to individual task.

My favourite quote was from Nadia 7C,
"We didn't get everything finished but we tried hard and I am proud of them."

We look forward to seeing how these reflections evolve.

Work plan Sessions 26 -27

Sessions 26 -27
Work plan
Video Reflections Log - the what, why and who?
Weekly Mars Reflections Video log
Students need to use correct naming conventions for storing the files in the server folder.
They will use
NAME Reflection #
Saved into the serer folder  - Mars Refection Videos
To make the video they will open the word document Reflections Video log, that has the focus questions on it. They can note take and record and points of interest on the desk top or white board as cues for their reflection.
They will then use
Photobooth and choose video setting
 they will record their reflection

We need to ensure they are responding to the focus questions appropriately and using the time to reflect on their own learning and the impact they may have had on the project.
 It would be beneficial to also reflect on the effectiveness of the team, how they gelled, how they delegated, negotiated, goal set and reached milestones throughout the project.
Each week we will be answering specific focus questions to build a reflection log of the Mars project. These reflections will form the basis of a film or digital representation for our end of year exhibition for our families to view our Leaving the Earth - Mars work.
We can’t wait to share.

Reflection 1. Tribes equal teams
What did you enjoy about teams?
What was the hardest part? Why?
Did you see changes in the way your team worked over the project? eg s
Did you see an improvement in team work over the year? eg s
What would you do differently? Why?

Was this team project successful? A few examples.

Reflection Session 25

Rehearse your tours.....
Tribal Delegation and Contribution

This rehearsal session really helped teams to identify members of their tribe who perhaps did not get their allocated tasks finished.  They realised they could not deliver a half finished tour, when tourists were relying on them to deliver an exciting experience.
We saw many tribes discussing the possible fixes for the missing parts and in fact we also saw some tribes giving support to members who were struggling to get their delegated/assigned tasks completed.
We discussed with the whole class that when delegating tasks and goal setting that it works best to match skill to the individual "jobs" so that each tribe member is working at their capacity and also using their skill set.
One question that was raised was, what if there was no one in the tribe with that skill set or if that perhaps the person who would be best at it was busy with another task?
The tribes then decided that 2 heads were better than one and that in the tribes they would mentor each other, give support to members that were not as "skilled' or trouble shoot as they went. some worked in pairs.
They all agreed that being part of  a tribe and doing nothing was not on.
These "non doers" let their tribe down and had a negative impact on their tribe. The tribe had a responsibility to support and encourage its members and to try to change the behaviour of their low contributors by making sure their skills were better matched to their tasks. However in the end these tribe members would be cast out of they didn't pull their space socks up. (This worked a treat!) :)

Work plan session 25

Session 25

Work plan

Tourism Industry
In preparation for tour upcoming tours we need to be ready.

Rehearse the Tours
In pairs Role play the part of the guide and the tourist, run through the script and the locations pre-planned by your tribe as the set tour.
Test the regions and markers.
Read the planned script for each location.
Make any necessary alteration to the script to suit your guide style!
Get feedback from your pair partner.

Repeat. Get it perfect! J

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Taking tourists on a Virtual Tour of Mars

With a colony now established on Mars the Year 7 students are bring on the Y4-6 students to take them on a Virtual Tour.  Each tribe has created a tour based on the places and objects that mean the most to them.  Tourists have the right to select from a wide range of tours which are advertised on posters in their class room.